Friday, March 30, 2012

My Hallows

     This is a picture of my Hallows. Dipicted is my Well, Sacred Fire, and World Tree. In the future I would like to add an oil lamp to replace my candle. It is a work in progress, but here it is at the moment.

My First Attempt to the Two Powers Meditation

Last night I actually had the chance to sit down and try the Two Powers Meditation. I have meditated on a regular basis for years now, but this was a new method, so I really had no idea on what to expect. I went into my room and put on a little music: Orphic Hymn to Dionysus. As the music started to fill the air in the room around me, I could fill my awareness start to shift.
     I started off with some deep breathing, in and out in and out. The air around me filling my lungs and stilling my mind. Finally I knew that it was time to begin. I seen The Earth Mother Gaia sitting before me, yet sitting with me at the same time. I could see the earth and it felt as if I was falling deeper and deeper. Finally I heard this deep rushing sound. I seen thick  roots surrounded by ice cold water, licking at the outside of the tree. The water slowly stared to rise up the trunk of the tree, higher and higher it climbed. Finally it started to rush into my sacral chakra, filling me with the mysteries of the earth. A cool sensation filled me as the waters of life moved up my legs, connecting me to the earth below.
     Then I felt the pull from above. High into the heavens I felt a tug. My true north, the divine influence that fills us all with inspiration. I seen a flame high in the sky slowly pouring its light out to me. As the light grew closer to my being I could feel the soft warmth of its light surround me. As the light finally reached me I could feel my crown chakra stir to life, wanting to be filled with the warmth of heaven.
     I could feel the cool damp energy of the earth fill me as it neared my sloar plenux. the energy of the earth was reaching out to the energy of heaven. They wanted to be joined, they feed off of each other. As the water from below and the fire from below interacted with each other, I could feel energy being sent forward from my body. The energy was reaching out to the world around me, changing everything it touched. I was connected.
    Shortly after the meditation was over, I started to contemplate the meaning of the meditation. It is my personal opinion that it was a veriation,where the participant acted in some was as the axis mundi. I could feel the deep mysterious powers of the waters of life, and the warmth and divine inspiration of the heavenly fire. I could feel how everything on earth is connected, all it takes is a little work. I look forward to practicing this meditation in the days to come, however, it is one that will help me understand the world around me and my part in the bigger picture.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Prepairing for Beltain 2012

I am really looking forward to this holiday this year. I am going to be celebrating it with one of my dearest and closest friends. We have been asking ourselves, since Ostara, what are we going to be doing for Beltane? Finally last night we actually got to sit down and talk about it. Several ideas came flooding to us, as we started collaborating how we wanted to conduct the ritual.Finally after great consideration we decided on the deities of occasion and some of the offerings that we were going to use.
     Aphrodite, Eros, and the Graces are the ones that we are going to call upon. I believe that we are going to be offering: milk, water, honey, olive oil, wine, bread, barley, and strawberries. The reason for our selection is because we want spread the love beyond the ritual itself. We have been talking about shortly after the rite, doing community service, to carry the teachings of the gods into the world around us.
     We are holding the ritual beside a lake a sunset, with a simple fire and a finger food feast. I know that there is more to work on, but we are off to a pretty good start. I will be adding more lately, and the finished product with an interpretation of the Omen.

-Wayland Stafford
" Walking the path of the old gods in a modern world."