(This text was taken from the ADF Our Own Druidry Book, with a few alterations on my behalf to suit my own personal hearth culture.)
First leave a small offering to the outsiders.
Start off with a simple prayer to the spirits of inspiration.
Arrange your hallows upon your shrine along with: a bowl of the triple water to be transferred to the well, silver to offer to the well, olive oil to offer to the sacred fire, and a candle lit from another hallowed fire if possible. Go ahead and light the pythia and place upon it the Kindred incense.
Start by deep breathing, then perform The Two Powers Meditation. When ready its time to begin. Sprinkle the shrine with barley and start off by saying:
"The world is in me, and I am in the world. The spirit in me is the spirit of the world. By eye and by hand and by tongue, my will is the will of the world. And this is my will to make these things a seat of wisdom, my own hearth, and the Well of Memory. Esto! [So be it!]"
Take up the bowl that has the triple water in it and sprinkle the shrine and all the tools placed upon it while saying:
"By the holy power of the deep; the waters of the dark; the secret well. Be free of every ill or every bane; washed clean by magic's might. Esto! [So be it!]"
Pass all items through the incense while saying:
"By the shining power of the sky, by heavens divine light, let every ill or bane now flee away; By my word and will and magic's might. Esto! [So be it!]"
End the cleansing by saying:
"By the might of the Waters of life and the light of the fire, be you cleansed and blessed! Be you made whole and holy. By my word and will, Esto! [So be it!]"
Pour the triples water into the well then pick up the piece of silver then say:
"O' cauldron of the deep power, I bring you into my service, and place you in my shrine. I set you in the center to be part of my sacred center, and I charge you:"
(Offer the silver to the well)
"You are the gate of the earth, the deep way, the holy mouth of the earth."
Transfer the hallowed flame from the candle to your oil lamp or representation of your sacred fire, then say:
"O' hearth of the power of fire, I bring you into my service and place you in my shrine. I set you in the center to be part of the sacred, and I charge you:"
(This is when I offer olive oil to the fire. I do this by simply placing a drop on my pythia.)
"Daughter of Gaia, Venerable guardian of the unwearying flame. The ministers of the sacred rites are thine, mystics much blessed and holy.
The Gods have fixed their dwelling place in thee, strong stable basis of the mortal race, many-formed, eternal laughing, blessed, lovely Queen, ever scarlet one accept these rites, accord to each of us just desires, gentle health, and needful goodness." (Homeric hymn to Hestia)
Place the tree on the shrine, or simply touch it to connect and focus on it, then say:
"O' pillars of the temple, I bring you into my service, and place you in my shrine. I set you in the center to be part of the sacred center, and I charge you:"
(I place a drop of water from the well and a drop of oil and say:)
"Rooted deep within the land, crowned above the sky, the tree is planted in my soul to grow between the worlds. Center of all things, boundary of boundaries: hold fast my work, my soul, my grove."
Take a moment to reflect on the three hallows and how the function together in creating the sacred center, then say:
"The Fire, The Well, and The Tree. Flow and flame and grow in me. In land, sea, and sky; below and on high.
Thus are these Hallows claimed and Hallowed."
Sprinkle the shrine with water from the well:
"What was cleansed, now let be filled, receive the dark strength of the Underworld. Be you in the soil in which the seed of my spirit grows."
Cense the shrine:
"What is cool, now let be warmed, receive the bright power of the heavens. Be you the sun that brings my spirit to fruit."
Strengthen the Two Powers Meditation and charge the whole shrine again:
"Mighty Olympians, here is my shrine. Let it be a seat of power, an ark of wisdom, the font of the love between myself, the Gods, and the Spirits. Let it grow as I grow and change as I change. Let the fire be bright in it, let the water be deep in it, as I walk my path. Esto! [So be it!]"
Reflect upon the meaning of your shrine and the work that you will perform to strengthen the bonds between the Gods and spirits that you work with. How this is a place where you can go to honor them and their teachings:
"The Fire, The Well, and The Tree, flow and flame and grow in me. I give thanks to all beings who have witnessed and aided in this work, and declare this rite ended! Esto! [So be it!]"